About Us

Honey Honey was born out of a passion for coffee, food, community and service.

Launched in April 2018 to deliver a quality coffee experience to Portmarnock village, we have grown and developed with our customers and community to the cafe we are today.

We were beaming with pride to be named as one of Ireland's top 50 cafes, after only 9 months in business in January 2019.

Our amazing team led by Ieva & Roberta work hard every day to deliver on these principles. The best quality coffee and food, delivered in a warm, bright and cosy atmosphere.

With Bailies coffee, we have access to some of the best coffee Ireland has to offer.

We work closely with the team at Bailies to ensure that we get the best into every cup.

Our homemade cakes and seasonal menu are always changing to bring the freshest, homemade options to our customers. We pride ourselves on delivering a daily dose of sunshine to our customers' day, many of whom have been with us since day one.

We can't recommend enough a cup of delicious coffee, a homemade treat and a long walk on Portmarnock beach - our favourite pastime.

Pop in and say hi soon, we love to welcome new faces.